The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission official Logo. Photo: SIBC.

The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission official Logo. Photo: SIBC.

Chief Electoral Officer Polycarp Haununu calls on the eligible voters and those yet to register through the new Biometric Voter’s Registration to ensure their Identification Card, ID, is safe and must not be lost.

Mr Haununu said the ID card provides proof of individuals being registered and used to justify and verify individuals during the period of objection and omission at the time of publication of the provision list.

The CEO adds its is the responsibility and democratic right of eligible electors to take ownership of their card.

He warns eligible electors that double registration and false declaration of form B is a serious offence under the electoral law.

He said the commission will carefully adhere to ‘matching procedures’ to ensure there is no double registration of voters.

Meanwhile, a Honiara man, Mr Justine Aniri is concerned, the voter registration turn out in Honiara Constituencies is relatively low.

Speaking to SIBC News, Mr Aniri says in comparison to the high voter registration turn out in all provincial VRCs at the National Art Gallery, turn out for all three Honiara constituencies are low.

Mr Aniri says it is wrong for people residing in Honiara to register and vote in their home province on the election day and then return to the city and enjoy services meant for Honiara constituents.

He calls on the responsible authority to quickly consider his concern.

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