The RSIPF Headquarters in Honiara. Photo credit: SIBC.

The RSIPF Headquarters in Honiara. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) National Community Policing team will be conducting an education awareness talk with members of the Kakabona and Koltoha villagers tomorrow, Sunday.

This is an ongoing community service to the local people from the RSIPF community policing unit as it continues to counteract the steady increase of family domestic violence at homes in the area.

The public meeting will host special guests from RSIPF, PPF, Seif Ples representative, Ministry of Women, Youth and Family affairs as well as local chiefs and villagers.

The discussion issues will include, Police new crime prevention strategy approach, gender equality and victim referrals.

Following the death of a women earlier this month at the community, police are keen on embarking strategic approaches to help reduce or prevent anymore death from domestic violence.

Members of the public are strongly urge to attend this awareness meeting.

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