Peace-Building Policy Consultation with Guadalcanal Provincial Government. Photo credit: MNURP.

Peace-Building Policy Consultation with Guadalcanal Provincial Government. Photo credit: MNURP.

The Ministry of National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace together with its stakeholders have started consultations on the National Peace-Building Policy.

The consultation work has started with the Honiara City Council (HCC), Guadalcanal Provincial Government and is proposing to have consultations with Malaita Provincial Government by the end of this month.

A statement from the Ministry said the Ministry will hold nationwide consultations to advocate the policy to the people.

The overview of the National Peace-Building Policy is to properly and effectively coordinate peace-building activities in the country.

Minister for National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace Samson Maneka says the peace-building policy in its natural status is to rebuild and revitalized all aspects of peace-building in the country.

He highlighted the Ministry is confident that the end result of the peace-building policy is that Solomon Islanders will live in a peaceful environment and have equal opportunity.

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