Copeland Ministry lights up Honiara


Kenneth Copeland

World renowned Evangelist Kenneth Copeland touched down in Solomon Islands yesterday for a three-day crusade in Honiara.

Pastor Copeland was accompanied by two other preachers Jesse Duplantis and Jerry Savelle on the South Pacific Victory Campaign.

Last night at the Lawson Tama Stadium in Honiara, a huge crowd of believers from different churches assembled to listen.

Preacher of the night Mr Duplantis did not disappoint, he was like a fire on stage. It was night of spiritual growth, commitment of lives and blessings.

Preacher Duplantis’ message was based on the book of 2 Corinthians 9:7, “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”

He said God has given man all that he needs when he was created. Man therefore should not ask for his needs but ask God for what he wants and God like any parent will never disappoint.

But Preacher Duplanti said, this must come with faith.

“We will have to work very hard, but with faith and the belief that we can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength, we can do so.”

“You will have persecutions and failures. But don’t let them stop you.”

They came in numbers. Part of the huge crowd that turned up for the first crusade last night.

While last night was a success judging by the huge turn out, dark clouds hovered over the crusade.

A group based in Australia calling themselves Salvation are also in the country with their own message to preach; that Kenneth Copeland and his two fellow preachers are false prophets.

Since early yesterday until late in the evening, the group was out in the streets outside Lawson Tama handing out pamphlets to the public.

The pamphlets contained scriptures about false prophets and teachings from preachers Copeland and Duplantis, where it was claimed they committed blasphemy.

Ushers at the Lawson Tama Stadium last night confiscated the pamphlets from people as they went in.

In response to the allegations, crusade coordinator Pastor Alpheus Oli refuted them as empty and baseless.

Pastor Alpheus said the Kenneth Copeland Ministry is all about preaching and teaching people about faith.

“If these allegations are true, Mr Copeland would not have been able to continue his Ministry”, he said. “These claims are attacks or persecutions from the devil.”

Evangelist Copeland is staging another crusade this evening and tomorrow at Lawson Tama grounds.

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