The Court of Arms. Photo credit: Solomon Islands Government.

The Court of Arms. Photo credit: Solomon Islands Government.

The Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government has announced it will re-establish the customary land recording and registration process as a step towards strengthening customary land ownership and to make tribal lands available for economic development.

A Government statement says this process is critical to allow customary landowners to participate in economic development activities on their customary land.

The statement says the Government recognizes that land remains an important asset to Solomon Islanders and that any development on customary land must be sustainable and inclusive of tribal owners.

About 87 percent of land in the country is owned by tribal landowners while only 13 percent is government owned and with land recording and registration among the top priority activities of the government.

A nationwide consultation process will be conducted to ensure people are aware of the Government’s intention to help them benefit from their land and resources.

The statement adds the Government wants to see that 87 percent of customary land is converted into productive assets in order to encourage socio-economic development and to foster high standards of living for the people of Solomon Islands.

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