David Gina, new Premier for Western Province


Western Provincial Assembly Speaker Adrian Sinabule Gina announcing the new Premier.  Photo: Gizo Forum.

Honorable David Gina, MPA for Munda-Lambete has been declared the new Western Province Premier.

Mr Gina polled 15 votes while his opponent Honorable Ramuraka Talasasa, polled 11 votes.

Provincial Clerk Kevin Paia said the new Premier took his oath after the election.

Speaking to SIBC soon after, Mr Gina said his immediate priorities include trimming the administration of the Western Province government, and reducing costs and expenses.

He said past provincial governments have often spent well beyond their capabilities.

A third priority, he said, is to improve collection in the revenue based sector.

Commenting further on his plan to reduce the provincial administration, Mr Gina said he will target duplicated posts.

“I see in the province now, there are posts and positions that have duplications. We need to find and identify a person who has the merit, who has the qualifications, who has the expertise to work on the area rather than putting five to six persons on the field.”

The new Premier will announce his executive line up tomorrow.





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