People at the SINU Pavilion after the flash floods. Phot credit: BBC.

People at the SINU Pavilion after the flash floods. Phot credit: BBC.

The Disaster Victim Coalition Team, formed in evacuation centres in response to slow relief supply distribution, has announced it is working on a submission to the government and stakeholders on flash flood victims.

Chair, Eddie Narihai said the submission is based on the deteriorating welfare of the flash flooding victims.

“The Coalition is working on a submission which have three basic recommendations aimed to be given to the responsible authorities or even the government that deals with citizens and the victims. Still in its draft form, we see that victims must be directly involved and part of disaster relief and rehabilitation programmes nationwide efforts on a realistic victim platform that will bring their vision and perspective to reality in a democratic way.”

The Disaster Victim Coalition Team Chair also announced the Coalition is requesting the Government to establish a Disaster Victims Commission to have direct dialogue with donor partners.

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