DPP in awkward position over Mua case


Former Member of Parliament for Savo/Russells , Dickson Mua.

Director of Public Prosecution Ronald Bei Talasasa says, the absence of Albert Wong, a key witness to the former Member of Parliament for Savo Russell, Dickson Mua’s case has placed his office in an awkward position to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt.

Mr Talasasa made this statement after the Magistrates Court dismissed all charges against Mr Mua following application from the prosecution.

He said the absence of Mr Wong to testify placed his office in a difficult situation to discharge its duties.

He said the decision to dismiss the case was done under the prosecution’s discretion.

“When Mr Wong failed to come, this is placed the prosecution in a difficult position to discharged its duties, to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt, ” he said.

“Whether it is fair or not , that’s a question that others can comment on, but for the prosecution , it places us in a difficult situation and that gave rise to decision by DPP.”

Chief Magistrates Emma Garo dismissed all charges laid against Mr Mua on Monday this week after key witness Mr Wong failed to testify in court.

By: Fredrick Kusu.

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