Court dismisses Murray’s application


Henry Murray. Photo: Solomon Star News.

The Magistrate’s court has dismissed the former Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Infrastructure Development Henry Murray’s application for stay of proceedings yesterday.

Murray’s lawyer lodged the application for stay of proceedings after an appeal was lodged against his conviction of official corruption last year.

Last month, His Lordship Justice Leonard Maina withdraw an order to suspend or stay pending the determination of Mr Murray’s appeal.

Mr Murray then made an appeal for a stay of proceeding against Justice Maina’s order.

Making the ruling, Chief Magistrate Emma Garo says, the second application for stay of proceeding is an abuse of process.

Magistrate Garo dismissed Mr Murray’s second application for stay of proceeding based on relevant sections of the Criminal Procedure Code and the Penal Code.

The matter was adjourned for Monday 18th March for sentencing submission.

By: Fredrick Kusu. 

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