Example of an El Nino. Photo credit: waves.blogs.agu.org

Example of an El Nino. Photo credit: waves.blogs.agu.org

Climate outlook and the drought watch information have recorded drier than normal rainfall across the country during the past three months.

According to the National Situation report number two issued by the National Disaster Management Office, the current El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) will reach its peak in December and slightly decrease from January 2016 onwards.

It says, Regional precipitation outlook for the Solomon Islands is less rainfall for the period November-January.

NDMO, key Government sector agencies on Agriculture, Health, Education and technical agencies like the Meteorology and Hydrology with the disaster management stakeholders already convened series of meetings to consider the most appropriate actions for a response.

Reported impacts are from Central, Renbel, Makira and Choiseul, with Renbel and Makira are the worst affected.

It adds the National Emergency Operation Centre is yet to receive reports from Western, Honiara City and Temotu Province.

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