The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development is embarking on establishing the Solomon Islands Tertiary Commission and Solomon Islands Qualification Authority.
Ministry Undersecretary of National Services, Constance Nasi recently revealed.
“The Ministry of Education we are trying to establish the Solomon Islands Tertiary Commission and also the Solomon Islands Qualification Authority. The latter should allow us to have sort of a regional qualification recognition framework that we can be able to align the different qualifications of our regions.”
Meanwhile, Supervising Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, James Bosamata explained all these are included in the Education draft bill that will be tabled in Parliament this June.
“So within that draft bill it states that SITC and SIQA will be established, which means that scholarships will move in that direction by falling under SITC and the different instiutions and qualifications will be guided by the Solomon Islands Qualifications framework and this body the SIQA will be responsible. So once we get there then we’ll be able to address some of these issues we are now facing.”