SINU issues deadline for fees

SINU has issued a deadline to pay its outstanding fees.

Students who have arrears with the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) have until the end of this month to settle their debts.

Any student who fail to comply after October 31st will expect harsh measures from the university.

According to a statement from the institution, SINU will resort into taking tough actions on students who fail to pay their outstanding fees after October 31st 2018.

It stated, the most likely measure is that affected students may be barred from sitting the final examination in November this year.

It further stated, with the debt of 40.8 million Solomon Dollars still outstanding for students to pay, 14 Million Solomon Dollars is under the constituency scholarship through the members of Parliaments, 4.4 million dollars from the Guadalcanal Province Education Authority, 6 million from Private and Self Sponsored students and 12.8 million dollars from several government ministries.

With this huge amount of money, the university has not able to meet its commitments to student like Course Materials, Meal Costs, Utilities, Staff Leave Passage, Repairs and Maintenance and many more.

The university also owes substantial amount of money to various contractors, and under the current scenario it is impossible to clear the dues to contractors that might result in many ongoing projects coming to a halt.

On its part SINU has already introduced several cost cutting measures, but this is not enough and can only go so far.

The university is therefore calling on students and the different stakeholders that have arrears to settle them before the deadline.

By: Allen Waitara

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