Chairman of the Disaster Coalition Task Force Jeffery Leni. Photo credit: SIBC.

Chairman of the Disaster Coalition Task Force Jeffery Leni. Photo credit: SIBC.

Victims of last month’s flash floods in the country have accused the government of failing to make a decision to release land for rebuilding.

Pacific Islands News Association today reports Jeffrey Leni, Head of the Flash Flood Victims Coalition Taskforce, says victims are waiting for the response from the Prime Minister in relation to how best the government will address the issue of rehabilitation and relocation for the victims who previously live in the disaster risk area.

Mr Leni says this is because the government has failed to clarify on what level of support or help it will be providing.

Mr Leni adds there is significant empty government land available in the area above the King George VI school at Panatina which the government should secure for the affected people as the land is high above the Lunga River and there will be no problem during flood.

SIBC News understands the Prime Minister told Parliament the Government is awaiting a relocation and rehabilitation plan from the National Disaster Management Office.

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