Former Guadalcanal premier arrested for corruption


Stephen Panga. Photo: SIBC.

Police Anti-corruption unit have arrested former Guadalcanal Premier, Steven Panga for corruption.

Police Commissioner Mathew Varley confirmed Mr Panga was arrested last week and has already appeared in court last Friday.

Mr Varley said the former premier was charged with one count of abuse of public office contrary to section ninety six of the penal code.

He said the case occurred when Mr Panga was premier of Guadalcanal province.

“The former premier has been alleged to have misappropriated around SBD$10,000  of money received as part of his duty,” he said.

“It has been alleged that he received that money as a false rates payments from a local member of the community, and that money was not then passed on to the revenue of the Guadalcanal province.”

Mr Panga had been bailed and will appear in court on the 27th of this month.

Mr Varley said the bail conditions were SBD$2000, and he must reside at his home, not enter the Guadalcanal provincial headquarters.

He said Mr Panga must not contact witnesses in the case and he must report to the Henderson police station on Mondays and Fridays.

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