Former Temotu Premier arrested


Police Commissioner Matthew Varley.

Former Temotu Province Premier  Fr Brown Beu and his deputy premier Bradley Tau, including a former provincial secretary of the province were arrested and charged before Christmas for allegedly committing corruption in office.

Police Commissioner Matthew Varley revealed confirmed the arrest  this morning that the former politicians and  former PS Samuel Kafukesa were arrested before Christmas by RSIPF fraud squad and had appeared in Lata Magistrates Court.

The charges stemmed from a complex investigation into a timber right acquisition and a transfer of grant of profit of two perpetual estates on Santa Cruz dating back to 2015 to 2017.

The former PS including the MPAs are facing one count each for corrupt practices as codified in section 374 (a) of the penal code, and other corruption charges.

It was alleged that the trio misappropriated around $20,000 to $50,000 in transport and accommodation allowances.

“The three defendants have appeared before the eastern magistrate court at Lata where they were bailed to appear on the 11th of January and have been imposed with stick bail conditions,” he said.
“I want to thank the efforts of the fraud squad, and the Lata police , the case has also been sanctioned by the DPP as well.
By: Lowen Sei.
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