Palm oil at the Guadalcanal Plains. Photo credit: Panoramio.

Palm oil at the Guadalcanal Plains. Photo credit: Panoramio.

Guadalcanal Plains Palm Oil Limited (GPPOL) has accepted Guadalcanal Provincial Government (GPG) to resume its budget support initiative for Guadalcanal Province.

Freelancer Allan Tarohania reports, this follows GPPOL management’s assurance to a GPG’s visiting delegation led by Premier Bartholomew Vavanga recently.

Meanwhile, deputy premier, Rolland Seleso, says while he appreciates the initiative, he assures the GPPOL that his new executive is committed to utilise the funds within the parameters of the agreement that both parties have signed and agreed upon.

Mr Seleso adds a wide consultation will be made to ensure the development plan is in the best interest of every member of the
Provincial Assembly as this will make the support more meaningful and realistic.

SIBC News understands a budget support of $750,000 per annum has been agreed upon after last year’s suspension on funds abuse and misappropriation allegation.

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