Gold Ridge Mining Limited (GRML) continues to seek approval from the Government to dewater the Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) at Gold Ridge.
It is also negotiating a potential transfer of ownership of the mine to a company owned by local landowners.
GRML says, consistent with previous expert reports commissioned by GRML, the World Health Organization confirmed in a media statement dated 11 March 2015 that untreated water from the TSF is ‘not toxic to humans’.
It says, a recent environmental expert report, commissioned by the Solomon Islands Government and prepared by the WorldHealth Organization, recommends the immediate dewatering of the TSF to avoid a potential environmental catastrophe that would ensue if the TSF wall was to be breached.
GRML maintains dewatering is urgently required to minimise the risk of overflow from seasonally heavy rain at this time of year.
It says the Government has formally rejected GRML’s latest proposal to discharge untreated water in accordance with the environmental expert report commissioned by the Government.
The Government has also rejected 6 million funding for the construction of the water treatment plant.
GRML considers it has done everything reasonably within its power to minimise the risk of the TSF overflowing.