G' Day Solomons Film Festival poster. Photo credit: Australia in Solomon Islands.

G’ Day Solomons Film Festival poster. Photo credit: Australia in Solomon Islands.

The inaugural G’day Solomon Islands Film Festival, hosted by the Australian High Commission, has been successful last Friday night with around five hundred people attending.

The opening night featured the movie ‘Crocodile Dundee’, an Australian movie based on the character, Mick Dundee, who hunts crocodiles with his bare hands in the Australian outback.

Acting Australian High Commissioner Dr Dave Peebles, said it was great to see so many people enjoy the first feature movie.

Dr Peebles said it was pleasing that Solomon Islanders who came along really appreciated the film’s unique Aussie sense of humour.

He adds, the G’day Solomon Islands Film Festival is to provide a fun outdoor cinema experience for the public in Honiara and share a little about Australian culture through film.

He also thanked the support from Szeba Water and Westpac for their assistance.

The Film Festival runs every Friday in June with one classic Australian movie featured each week.

The Festival continues next Friday screening the movie ‘Babe’, another popular Australian movie loved by both adults and children.

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