Oxford University Logo. Photo credit: Oxford University.

Oxford University Logo. Photo credit: Oxford University.

The oldest and most prestigious university in the English-speaking world, the Oxford University in England, is collaborating with the University of Goroka in the areas of Mathematics, Science and Language Literature.

The collaboration between the two universities was the brainchild of Oxford graduate, and former Australian Senator, Mr Bill O’Chee.

The meeting brought together the Vice Chancellor of the University of Goroka, Dr Gairo Onagi, UOG Chancellor, Mr Ben Sabumei, PNG High Commissioner to Australia, His Excellency Charles Lepani, Oxford Vice-Chancellor, Professor Andrew Hamilton, former Australian Prime Minister Mr Bob Hawke, Australian Communications Minister, Mr Michael Turnbull and former Australian Senator Mr Bill O’Chee.

Vice Chancellor of the University of Goroka Dr Gairo Onagi said the partnership will improve education in Papua New Guinea.

Dr Onagi said the outcome of the negotiations and planning came to fruition when 18 Papua New Guinea Maths, Science and language teachers and lecturers, secondary school standard officers, principals of teacher training institutions and heads of provincial education departments, traveled to Oxford University, for a two weeks intensive in-service training.

Meanwhile, Former Australian Senator and Oxford University alumni Mr Bill O’Chee said the country will eventually benefit from the arrangement other than just the participants.

He adds, Oxford aims to make teaching the best trained and most respected profession in PNG.
Mr O’Chee said, from personal experience, going to Oxford is a life changing experience. It changes the whole way one think and see the world.

He believes, the experience will help them improve life for all of their fellow citizens.

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