The recent flash floods on Guadalcanal has spread the Giant African Snail. Photo credit: The Hindu.

The recent flash floods on Guadalcanal has spread the Giant African Snail. Photo credit: The Hindu.

Giant African Snails have been found in increasing numbers in areas in North Guadalcanal and rural farmers say they are worried for their food security and their food gardens.

SIBC’s Stringer in the area, Duddley Gani reports people are worried the snails will eat their food gardens and damage their crops for market.

“The Giant African Snails have increased in number that people could see them on trees in the bushes. All coconut trees, pawpaws, bananas, guava trees, cocoa, sugar canes, sago palms and many other trees and they are slowing starting to destroy these plans. This is not a threat only to food security but a threat also to sources of income for many rural framers.”

Gani also reports people want the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and Environment to quickly address the issue.

“Therefore, people living in the villages from Ngalibiu station to Komporo to the coastal area are calling on responsible authorities like the Quarantine Division to send some of its officers with the Environmental Health Division to go and talk to them about this problem quickly, to clear their doubts as well as discuss how to clear the increasing number of Giant African Snails.”

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