16 Days of Activism logo. Photo credit:

16 Days of Activism logo. Photo credit:

The global campaign dedicated to raising awareness and gaining wider support to end gender-based violence will be launched in Honiara tomorrow.

The 2014 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence Campaign will be launched under the theme “Hapi Family, Hapi Kandere: Endim Vaelens Insaed lo Hom”.

In a statement, the National Organising Committee says the Activism campaign will be launched with a specific focus on ending domestic violence in the Solomon Islands.

According to the 2009 Family Health and Safety Study, 2 out of three women, aged between 15 and 49 years old, have experienced violence in their lifetime.

The Committee also says the campaign is a valuable opportunity to raise awareness on the recently passed Family Protection Act.

A Committee member, Julienne Wickham told SIBC News, the theme is derived from the campaign’s key messages about the Act which includes protection, safety and responsibility.

She also highlighted that another of the campaign’s key message is for couples to solve domestic problems in a non-violent manner.

“The Act demands that for those of us who are in a domestic relationships to communicate and resolve our conflicts in a non-violent manner, so instead of hurting someone with our fist we communicate our disagreements and solve them non-violently. So that’s how the theme for this year ‘Hapi Family, Hapi Kandere: Endim Vaelens Insaed lo Hom’ has come about.”

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence Campaign will start with a parade and march through Honiara tomorrow afternoon.

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