GPPOL hit with profit loss as rhinoceros beetle invades


An example of how the beetle can destroy coconut fronds. Photo credit: MAL.

The Guadalcanal Plains Palm Oil company (GPPOL) is likely to lose 30 per cent of its annual profit after being invaded by the rhinoceros beetle.

GPPOL Manager Graig Gibson revealed, the deadly pest was invading about 350 hectors of newly grown palm oil plants.

Mr Gibson added the threat posed by the pest was extremely serious.

“Currently we’re seeing about 350 hectares of young oil palm which is severely damaged, but we’re seeing small amount of damage right throughout the whole of GPPPOL,” he said.

The GPPOL Manager added they were working hard to contain the pest.

This included hand picking and introducing bio control measures to control the spread of the beetle.

By Fredrick Kusu


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