The Ruavatu school billboard. Photo: Courtesy of

The Ruavatu school billboard. Photo: Courtesy of

The Diocesan Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Guadalcanal has strongly condemn the inhumane attack on innocent students of Ruavatu school last weekend.

Bishop Nathan Tome says such attack on innocent female students is barbaric and reflects an uncivilised mind in the attackers.

Bishop Tome says as a Guadalcanal man, he feel deep from within his heart, the pain over the undeserved treatment experienced by students of Ruavatu school who are trying to make sense of their being in academic journey.

In a strong worded statement to SIBC news, Mr Tome says he has a heart for education and especially for Ruavatu School which he made several pastoral visits since last year.

He adds, he was proud of the students academic and spiritual life at school.

Bishop Tome says while justice must take its course, trauma counselling must also be available to the victims.

In a related story, the Guadalcanal Council of Women has joined in condemning the recent harassment of female students at the Ruavatu Provincial Secondary School in East Central Guadalcanal.

Council Chair Mary Bollen told SIBC stringer Gabriel Riotarau that as a mother, it is heartbreaking and degrading to accept the harassment of these female students.

Gabriel Riotarau reported Mrs Bollen as saying the attack negatively affects the opportunity of future leaders not only for Guadalcanal province but the whole country.

“She continued to emphasize that this attack is really degrading the opportunity for the future leaders of Guadalcanal, but also other emerging leaders for the country. Mrs Bollen said she was in tears when the first load of female students, staff and their children arrived at the Henderson Women’s Care Centre, because of the situation, which could potentially have a negative impact on the society now and in the future.”

She appeals on leaders to work cooperatively in curbing such attitudes.

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