Guadalcanal CITREC graduates Canada bound


Amelia Muse an Careka Volley during their recent attachment in Canada.

Guadalcanal Canadian International Training & Education Corp Graduates Amelia Muse and Careka Volly are on their way to Canada both as food supervisors for an international fast-food restaurant chain.

This time their employment in Canada is not seasonal but for a complete 24-month period. And within which time frame they will apply to become Permanent Residence of Canada while working and staying within the country.

It came after they had been nominated under the Immigrant Nominee program of the Saskatchewan government.

Both Mr Volly and Ms Muse have created history for the Solomon Islands becoming the first Solomon Islanders to be nominated under the Immigrant Nominee program.

Mr Volly will also be joined by his wife and two dependent children who will soon all call Canada their home.

Mr Volly’s children will soon be entitled to go to school in Canada while Volly’s spouse, upon arrival, will be eligible to seek a temporary work permit while their PR application for Canada is being finalised.

Canadian Immigration Officials made a decision on both the files of Mr. Volly and Ms. Muse on Friday afternoon and Immigration Counsel communicated the decision to CITREC Chairman Ashwant Dwivedi the same day.

“This is the best news and gift I can offer to the Province of Guadalcanal on its 33rd Second Appointment day and Solomon Islands as a whole,” Chairman Dwivedi said.

Both Mr Volly and Ms Muse personally received called from Chairman Dwivedi over the weekend and were informed of the decision.

“They sounded very optimistic and excited and said they cant wait to return to Canada to work and earn and then help support their family back home in the Solomon’s.

“This is great achievement for both of the graduates.”

SIBC understands Guadalcanal Province are the first province in the Solomon Islands to undertake such initiative  with CITREC.

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