Guadalcanal Premier elect, Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

Guadalcanal Premier elect, Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

Guadalcanal Province now has a new Premier.

He is Anthony Veke, former Premier and the Provincial Assembly Member for Tangarare ward.

Provincial Assembly Speaker, Abel Arabola announced Mr Veke as the new Premier before the Provincial Assembly yesterday morning.

Mr Arabola says Veke was the only candidate when nominations were opened in March after a successful no confidence motion against the former Premier, Stephen Panga’s government.

But before proceedings could continue on 28 March, Mr Panga lodged a High Court injunction.

Last week, the High Court ruled the proceedings were legitimate and ordered they continue.

Mr Veke’s successful installment as the new Premier yesterday came after nine months of Political turmoil within the provincial assembly.

Meanwhile, the new Guadalcanal Premier-elect Anthony Veke says his Government is fully prepared to take the helm and lead before the Assembly dissolves in December.

Mr Veke said he will ensure his Government exit on a reassuring end that will give hope to a new national government and eventually to the people of Guadalcanal.

He highlighted the revival of the Guadalcanal Development Authority, the Guadalcanal Provincial Public Service Reform and the Doma Township Project as amongst his government’s immediate priorities.

“And Projects such as Doma town development. This is an important project that cannot be left unattended, if we are to allow our people to involve in the economic development of Guadalcanal. Additionally Guadalcanal is the biggest province in the Solomon Islands and the need to have its own home is still an important policy in my Government. We need to re-engage with the Central Government through the Provincial Government to revive this very important undertaking.”

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