The Forum Solomon Islands International, FSII, Vice President Ishmael Nori. Photo: Courtesy of Nori's Face Book page

The Forum Solomon Islands International, FSII, Vice President Ishmael Nori. Photo: Courtesy of Nori’s Face Book page

Provincial and National leaders of Malaita province have been called upon to put away their political and personal differences and work together for the good of the province and its people.

Social Networking group, Forum Solomon Islands International, FSII, made the call in light of the riots last weekend in Honiara.

FSII Vice President Ishmael Nori made the call, saying it is time both Provincial and National leaders of Malaita work together in mapping out development for their province.

“I am here to call on and make a challenge to the Malaitan leaders, our political leaders especially at the National Parliament, the provincial government and assembly to seriously consider the weekend happenings and try to take an initiative to come together, work together, come out from their political segregations, their differences, their political affiliations and look forward for a plan or roadmap that can trigger development in Malaita.”

He adds, it is common knowledge that Malaitans are involved in the recent disturbances just like similar past events.

Mr Nori said encouraging development in Malaita is the way forward that Malaitan leaders should now seriously consider.

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