Guadalcanal Premier, Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

Guadalcanal Premier, Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Guadalcanal Provincial Assembly has held a reconciliation ceremony to end its political turmoil yesterday.

The reconciliation was organized by the Provincial speaker’s office and the provincial clerk to end the recent differences between the current executive and the ousted Panga led government.

Provincial Assembly Speaker Abel Arabola said the reconciliation is to bring peace and positive understanding between the two parties.

“The idea now is to get everyone on the same understanding after the political impasse that started since August last year, which eventually turned into personal attacks on each other, so because of that we are calling this reconciliation yesterday involving the exchange of shell money and a few dollars as a token of asking each other forgiveness.”

Mr Arabola adds, reconciliation between the two parties brings positive outcomes for the development of Guadalcanal Province.

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