Guadalcanal remains infested with GAS. Photo: Courtesy of Wikimedia.

Guadalcanal remains infested with GAS. Photo: Courtesy of Wikimedia.

Guadalcanal remains the only province infested with the Giant African Snail after Agriculture Quarantine authorities confirmed its presence in 2007.

The giant African snail population in Honiara and parts of Guadalcanal is reportedly increasing at a rapid pace and out of control.

A Senior Quarantine officer, Chrispas Fanai says the Survelliance Unit received reports of giant African snails from other provinces, but the reports proved false.

While this might be good news, Mr Fanai says close monitoring of the snail and ensuring it remains contained in one area is very important to prevent it from spreading.


“This snail, the chances of it going to the provinces depends on you and me. If you carry anything that attaches the snail with it to the provinces, you will be responsible for it. Chances for it to establish in the provinces is very high. Once it stays in the province, and we don’t control it, then it goes into the wild bush it will get out of hand.”

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