Harison Pitakaka is the new Premier elect for Choiseul Province

Harison Pitakaka is the new Premier elect for Choiseul Province



The Choiseul Provincial Assembly has elected Harrison Pitakaka of Senga Ward as the new premier for Choiseul province.

The election of the new premier was carried out today after the former premier Tongoua Tabe was ousted in a motion of the confidence last week.

Provincial Clerk, Christopher Makoni told SIBC News Hon Pitakaka polled a total of 10 votes while his rival Patteson Sualalu of Taba Ward polled 6 votes during the election.

Mr. Makoni said the swearing in of the new premier was held straight after the election whilst the announcement and swearing of his ministers is set for the afternoon.

“Straight after the election we also have the swearing in of the new Premier elect for Choiseul Province and we look forward to the minister’s appointment in the afternoon,” he added.   

He added a special handing over ceremony was also held straight after the official declaration was made outside the chambers where the former premier handed over a shell money as a traditional way of showing its support for the new premier.

“Also after the election in the chambers, we all go outside for the official declaration and straight after that, we also witness the handing over of the traditional money by the former premier as a way of showing support to the new Premier,” he said.

The former Premier after handing over the shell money delivered a small remark before the new Premier responded with a call for working together as his new government is called the government of unity.



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