A soccer ball. Photo credit: Team USA Soccer Jersey.

A soccer ball. Photo credit: Team USA Soccer Jersey.

The Haroro Sports Tournament 2015 has kicked off today.

Speaking to SIBC Sports, Charlie Salini reports more than 20 teams from around Gela, Savo and Honiara witnessed the opening of the sports tourney today, saying the teams will also take part in the event.

He says the Chairman of the Organising Committee Mr Peter Sagupari is very pleased to see a lot of teams participating in the tournament hosted by his community.

“Chairman of the organising committee Mr Peter Sangupari today said he is very happy to see a huge number of players around Ngella, Savo and as far as Honiara attended such an event hosted by the community.”

Mr Salini adds one special thing about the tournament is it will include additional activities like, Law and Order awareness, Custom and Culture, Education Talk and Community Health Talk.

He adds the tournament involves soccer for both men and women and netball for women.

The tournament was officially opened by the Provincial Member for Ward two of Gela Constituency Richard Vulu.

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