Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo and the Environment Minister Bradley Tovosia at the disaster declaration today. Photo: SIBC.

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo and the Environment Minister Bradley Tovosia at the disaster declaration today. Photo: SIBC.

Honiara and other parts of Guadalcanal province have been declared “State of Disaster” zones after the Mataniko river bursts its banks, devastating homes and taking lives on its way down to the ocean.

Minister for Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology Bradley Tovusia made the declaration today, after a state of disaster was confirmed for the country.

“People of Solomon Islands in the exercise of the powers conferred upon the Minister by Section 12 part one of the National Disaster Council Act, I Honorable Bradley Tovusia Minister of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology on the advise of the Council having been satisfied that a state of disaster exists, hereby declare the city of Honiara and parts of Guadalcanal Province to be a State of Disaster.”

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo confirms the declaration has been gazetted through an extraordinary gazette.

Prime Minister Lilo says this will authorize the National Disaster Council to activate relevant processes to deal with the current situation in the country.

“The Declaration that has been made by the Minister has already been gazetted through an extraordinary gazette and with this declaration it therefore authorizes the National Disaster Council to activate relevant processes to be able to put into action the various measures to respond to the various risks that we are now facing here in Honiara and certain parts of Guadalcanal. I will be convening Cabinet shortly to be able to authorize appropriate resources be accorded to the National Disaster Council to help out with the response effort.”

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