Traffic jam in Honiara. Photo credit: SIBC.

Traffic jam in Honiara. Photo credit: SIBC.

Honiara travellers have suffered one of the worst traffic congestion today when locally owned public buses face resistance from a sudden bus fare hike.

Local public bus owners have decided to impose a new $5 bus fare rate within Honiara starting this morning.

Police told SIBC News, buses owned by Chinese were stoned for refusing to comply with the new $5 fare.

The stone throwing between the local and Chinese owned buses has held up the Kukum traffic since mid morning.

Police officers are currently deployed within Honiara to calm the situation.

The Police Media Unit confirms, all public buses are now pooled outside Honiara City Council where police is heavily present.

Meanwhile, due to the current Bus Problem, classes at Florence Young Christian School will start at 9 am and finish at 1.30 pm.

Florence Young Christian School Principal, George Saemane has advised, there will be no classes from Prep to Class three tomorrow.

A number of regular bus users spoken to by SIBC News are saying, it is right time that the government implements the short but route
report recommendation.

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