
The technical team at a pig farm. Photo credit: MAL.

Solomon Islands pig farmers will soon be beneficiaries of the Integrated Pig Production System Project funded by Republic of China Taiwan International Cooperation Development Fund, ICDF.

Agrikalsa Nius reports the six year project will start next year with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock as the implementer in close collaboration with the Taiwan Technical Mission in Honiara.

It is aimed at increasing new breeder pigs, improve pig feeding and management, and promote the production of dry land fodder crops as part of livestock feed.

Agriculture and Livestock Minister David Tome thanked the Government and people of the Republic of China, Taiwan through ICDF in seeing it fit for the timely assistance for the welfare and livelihood of the rural people of Solomon Islands.

The ICDF mission team visited Solomon Islands and held discussions with ROC-Taiwan Embassy and Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

The team also carried out farm visits including piggery projects on Guadalcanal and Malaita Provinces, and clarified the core problems including current feeding conditions, market access, import and export volumes, sources of feed material and slaughtering processes.

Meanwhile, the team also identified pig rearing and management systems and problems currently experienced by local pig farmers in the country.

Agriculture Minister David Tome highlighted that pigs have high significance in Solomon Islands’ tradition during feasts and ceremonies of traditional importance.

He adds, pork is one very important source of protein in Solomon Islands adding, that Rural families raised their pigs using traditional pig farming practices which resulted in poor body mass, slow growth and poor production of low economic value.

The current smallholder family pig production system is not sufficient to meet the current public demand for pork.

However, the project will take an integrated approach towards the development of the swine industry in Solomon Islands, including feed formulation and supply, pig raising assistance, environmental health, food safety and market access.

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