Labour Mobility Unit conducts meeting with stakeholders

Labour Mobility Unit conducts meeting with stakeholders


A Labour Mobility Stakeholder Engagement Meeting was conducted by the Labour Mobility Unit within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade with important local stakeholders yesterday (29 February 2024).

Among important agendas for the meeting is the proposed review of the Labour Mobility Policy and Framework (2019-2023) to be conducted this year.

Newly appointed Director of the Labour Mobility Unit, Christina Maoma Marau said late last year the government agreed to conduct the review of the Labour Mobility Policy and therefore it is important that stakeholders are made aware of the timeframe for the consultations. 

Director of the Labour Mobility Unit, Christina Maoma Marau speaking during the start of the stakeholder’s engagement meeting

The stakeholder meeting is also an opportunity for the Labour Mobility Unit to thank their primary stakeholders consisting of the Immigration department, Police, panel of doctors, and the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) for their collaboration during the last quarter of 2023.

Mrs. Marau said despite the busy schedule associated with the 2023 Pacific Games, the local stakeholders came through in providing support and ensuring smooth mobilisation for workers travelling for work in Australia.

The LMU acknowledged the growing achievement in 2023 which saw 2,040 workers mobilised in 2023. This was a collective achievement made possible by the stakeholders. The Director also acknowledged the ongoing support of the Australian Government through the PALM scheme and the New Zealand Government through the RSE. 

Acting Director of Immigration, Chris Akosawa speaking during the stakeholders meeting

The stakeholders meeting is a continuation of quarterly meetings that were conducted in 2023 with key service providers. 

Further to the achievements, the Labour Mobility Unit now has a dedicated Director appointed in 2023, and a new Pacific Labour Facility (PLF) Engagement Manager for Solomon Islands, Dean Wickham.   

Going forward, Director Marau seeks ongoing collaboration with key partners Australia and New Zealand as well as local stakeholders in 2024 to increase opportunities for more Solomon Islands to participate in the schemes and improve their livelihood. 



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