A sticker used by the SIEC on every registration centres starting tomorrow. Photo: SIBC

A sticker used by the SIEC on every registration centres starting tomorrow. Photo: SIBC

A lawyer Mr George Gray says an important issue for the Electoral Commission to address to ensure the upcoming National General election fulfils the electoral process is cross-border voting.

Mr Gray says the law says a voter is qualified to vote in a constituency if he or she is a permanent residence there for more than 12 months.

But the Guadalcanal lawyer says what has been happening in past elections in Guadalcanal is that voters from one constituency are crossing over to vote in another constituency under the influence of intending candidates.

Mr Gray says this is against the law.

He says candidates,registration officials and voters must know that the electoral process comes with responsibilities and duties they must uphold.

Mr Gray adds Solomon Islands does not exist in isolation from the international communities and donor partners who will be interested to know this is happening in the country.

He says the electoral commission should include ‘cross-border voting’ in its awareness campaign.

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