The Makira Ulawa Provincial flag. Photo credit: Wikimedia.

The Makira Ulawa Provincial flag. Photo credit: Wikimedia.

The Makira Ulawa Province has formally set its Provincial Assembly Election date to 16th December 2015.

This is according to the gazetted notice from the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening.

Minister for Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening Hon David Tome has appointed Mr. Gilbert Tabihau as the Returning Officer.

The notice requires that all nominations for candidates be delivered to the Returning Officer in Kirakira not later than 4 pm on Wednesday 18th December 2015.

The ordinary election of members to the Makira/Ulawa Provincial Assembly would normally be held on 22nd December 2015 being the four year anniversary of the previous ordinary election.

Meanwhile, the notice clarifies, 22nd December falls on Monday which would not be possible for workers to participate in the election.

Minister Hon Tome has satisfied that such changes is necessary.

The Minister adds, he has consulted the Makira/Ulawa Provincial Premier and agreed to order the ordinary election of members to the Makira/Ulawa Provincial Assembly be held on Wednesday 16th December 2015.

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