Chief Electoral Officer Polycarp Haununu. Photo credit: SIBC.

Chief Electoral Officer Polycarp Haununu. Photo credit: SIBC.

The final extension of the Omission and Objection period will lapse tomorrow.

Chief Electoral Commissioner Polycarp Haununu says the extension is necessary to give all registered voters time to check their names on the Provisional Voters Lists and lodge claims of Omission or Objection if necessary.

“On the Omission and Objection period I would like to say that we have extend it from today to the 11th of August, so the Commission see there is a need for an extension period to allow our people to check the lists if their names and anyone whose name should not be included to apply for objection once they are registered for the wrong constituency.”

Mr Haununu says, it is important that everyone gets a chance to check their name.

He explains, the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission has contingency plans in place and the extension will not affect the timeline for the preparation of the final voters list.

The Chief Electoral Officer confirms, the Omission and Objection process is encouraging.

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