Malaita commemorates 35th Second Appointed Day


PM Hou, Minister Parapolo, Paramount Chief Laesanau and H.E Brazier cuts the ribbon to official open the Yam Festival

Providing services to the country’s population is no easy task, says Prime Minister Rick Nelson Houenipwela.

Prime Minister Hou made the statement today when reflecting on Malaita Province’s 35th Second Appointed Day theme for this year.

Speaking at the celebrations in Pululaha, Small Malaita, Mr Hou says the theme is about the role of Government in providing services to its people.

“To me this theme is about the role of the government in providing much needed services to Malaita Province. Providing services to the population is no easy task”, he said.

“An issue facing the government is the determination of the type and modality of service delivery, not to mention ongoing challenges with financial resources constraint and in this connection, i wish to register my profound apologies  for the delay in transferring the quarterly fixed provincial grants and other payments for Malaita Province last week.”

The Prime Minister however assured that the National Government will continue to support Malaita Province in the years ahead.

”As demonstrated to you during the past years since achieving your status as a recognized provincial government 35 years ago the National Government through its ministries and especially the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening will continue to work with you, We will continue to support you to navigate through out the rest of the years ahead.”

The Yam Festival gets underway, celebrating Malaita Day.

Meanwhile, Malaita Premier, Peter Chanel Ramohias thanked the National Government for its support towards the province.

Premier Ramohia described the support through the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening, MPGIS, as consistent.

”I wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge the consistent support that Malaita Province has been receiving from the national government through the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening, MPGIS.

”I also acknowledge support from the Minister of Provincial Government and his permanent Secretary as we strive to provide services to our people. Continual financial support we receive from your office has been enabling us to finance our recurrent budget at a time when our revenue base remains low.

The Premier also thanked the country’s donor partners for their assistance towards the province.

”A special thank you to the Australian government, Taiwanese government and other donor countries like New Zealand, Japan, United States as well as donor agencies such as the United Nations, ADB, USAID, JICA, European Union and World Bank”, he said.

“The assistance you have provided to Malaita Province has enabled thousands of my people to have access to clean water, good classrooms, clinics, even own homes, train our farmers and soon have access to fast and effective communication.”

This morning’s celebrations coincides with the annual Yam Festival also underway at Pululaha.

By: Rickson Bau


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