Malango Women Celebrates International Rural Women’s Day


Women and girls from the Malango Ward of Central Guadalcanal have joined hands with the Tina River Hydropower Project Office this week to commemorate International Day of Rural Women (IDRW) at  Kaimomosa Village, Belaha. 

The communities celebrated with various activities on Tuesday to promote the global theme for 2022  “Rural Women -key for a world free from hunger and poverty.” 

The theme focuses on equality and empowerment for women, encouraging people to fight against the  problems of hunger and malnutrition, especially in the agricultural sector.  

Women and girls of Malango providing entertainment during the event

As part of commemorating the event this year, women and girls of Malango were able to share their  stories and showcase their spiritual, economic and cultural experiences and skills through singing,  dancing and crafting.  

Tina River Hydropower Project Office Gender Officer, Helen Dolaiano said the occasion is also an  important time to highlight the roles women and girls play in the food system or agriculture. 

“In the context of Malango women, agriculture is one of the most important areas I see that is  economically viable, if we hold hands and work together to invest and continue to support our rural women  and girls. 

“I believe if we recognize and maintain our cultural roles and values and work  together to improve our agricultural and food system, we can be able to help lessen the high rates of  diseases, poverty, hunger and so on.

Serah Israel off Vuramali Village, Bahomea with the clothes she tailored and sold at the women’s day. She is also a beneficiary of previous GAP trainings offered by the Tina Hydro Project Office

“With Tina River Hydropower Project Office, the Gender Action Plan (GAP) supports and provides training  opportunities for women and girls in the last three years with the goals to build their capacities, empower  them, establish networks and partnerships, improve health and livelihoods and more,” Mrs Dolaiano said.

Some of the skills displayed during the event are just a few of the things women and girls of Malango  have learnt from the GAP training opportunities that the project has provided. 

Joining the event as guest of honour was Hon Rose Tala, Guadalcanal Provincial Government’s  Minister for Women, Youths & Sports. Speaking at the event, the Minister said the theme is very fitting  especially in the context of the rural women of Guadalcanal as sole providers of good food for the  residents of Honiara. 

“That being said, I’m also thinking of our mothers and sisters in the rural areas around the province. We  are providers and suppliers of good and quality food,” she said.

Guest of honour and Guadalcanal Provincial Government’s Minister for Women, Youths & Sports Honorable Rose Tala speaking at the event

Minister Tala also went on to highlight the need for the national government to relook at the ‘Agriculture  Sector,’ because in Guadalcanal’s matrilineal culture, women or girls are naturally the providers. 

“The Agriculture Sector should be one of the most important priorities of any government. With this in  mind, we can empower our rural women to not only get into agri-business, but at the same time continue  to cultivate the best organic supplies of food to Honiara,” she said. 

Malango Women’s representative, Sharon Para said the women of Bahomea, Malatoha, and Belaha are  happy and proud to host an international event alongside the Tina Project Office for the first time. 

She said, the theme for the IDRW 2022 is an emotional one because it speaks the truth of the challenges  they faced as women in the rural area. 

“In agriculture, we are truly the key for a world free from hunger and poverty. That’s the activity that we  have been struggling with, in order to meet the financial demands associated with education, health, and  our daily lives just to keep our families going,” she said. 

Malango Women’s representative, Sharon Para

She further stated that despite the increasing challenges in the agricultural sector in the rural area,  the women of Malango are looking forward to more support from the stakeholders of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project. 

She also commended the Tina Project Office for providing various GAP trainings which have empowered  many rural women from Central Guadalcanal. 

The Gender Action Plan has been in place for the Tina River Hydropower Development Project since  2019 and will continue to provide training and opportunities for women and girls in communities in the  Tina Hydropower catchment area.


THPO statement

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