Malaysian arrested for murder in  Renbel Province


A Malaysian national was arrested for alleged murder at a logging camp in Renbel Province on New Year’s Day.

Assistant Commissioner National Operations Ms. Evelyn Thugea speaking in today’s Police Media conference

Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Renbel Provincial capital Tigoa arrested the suspect in relation to an allegation of murder on the death of a 37-year-old male on New Year’s Day.

“It was alleged that the deceased had an argument with the suspect at a logging camp in the province, and as a result, they attacked each other.

“The deceased, a local returned to his home after the fight. It was between 1pm and 2pm that relatives noticed that he was dead, they then reported the matter to the Police,” Assistant Commissioner (AC) National Operations Ms. Evelyn Thugea told local journalists in a press conference today.

AC Thugea said Police attended and discovered some bruises on his body and requested a pathologist and forensic team to attend and examine as part of the investigation process.

The suspect was transported to Honiara and is now remanded in custody. He will appear in the Honiara Magistrates’ Court on a later date as investigation into the death continues.

Ms Thugea also send her condolences to the family and friends of the deceased for the loss of their loved one. 

Police are appealing to those who were present during the time of the incident to assist with information.

“This will help investigators to bring those responsible to face justice. If you have information please call in at Togoa Police Station,” she said.

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