Appointed Police Commissioner, Mostyn Mangau sworn in at the Government House before Governor General Sir David Vunagi|Photo supplied.

 Mostyn Mangau has been sworn-in as new appointed Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) today.

Mr. Mangau who has been the Acting Police commissioner was appointed by the Governor General His Excellency, Sir David Vunagi, and has taken his oath today at the Government House.

 Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and Minister of Police National Security and Correctional Services Hon, Anthony Veke officiated at the swearing in ceremony.

Commissioner Mangau who is in his early 50’s hails from the remote Ontong Java islands in Malaita Province and is married with 8 children.

Mr Mangau is the 3rd local to hold the post after the late Sir Fred Soaki from 1982 to 1995 and the late Morton Sireheti from 1995 to 1997 and 2000 to 2002.

As a long serving officer in the RSIPF, Commissioner Mangau has been made official to his promotion as Deputy Police Commissioner of National Security & Operation Supports in November 2019.

Commissioner Mangau expressed his gratitude to the Government for having confidence in him to head the RSIPF.

“I appreciated the Government for the trust and confidence in me and it is going to be a challenge to lead the RSIPF during this covid-19 pandemic period. I will work with the RSIPF Executive, the Ministry of Police and SIG to ensure the RSIPF is delivering its mandate roles and responsibilities to protect Solomon Islands.”

Mr. Mangau added, he wanted the RSIPF to be a professional Police Force in the South Pacific as well as a leading Organisation in the region.

Mostyn has joined RSIPF since 1996 and has served his time at the organization for 23 years, with extensive exposure and experience to various positions and postings. 

He began his policing career in 1996 and was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 2001 and 9 years later he was promoted to the rank of Inspector in 2010. 

Three years later in 2013, he was again promoted to the rank of Superintendent and the following year in 2014 was promoted to the rank of Chief Superintendent and Provincial Police Commander for Honiara City. 

In 2016 he was promoted to the rank of Assistant Police Commissioner prior to his most recent promotion to the rank of Deputy Police Commissioner in 2019.

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