A ballot box used in the 2014 National General Elections. Photo credit: SIBC.

A ballot box used in the 2014 National General Elections. Photo credit: SIBC.

The people of Maringe Kokota Constituency have elected their Member of Parliament.

He is Dr. Culwick Togamana.

The Governor General Sir Frank Ofagioro Kabui officially declared Mr Togamana’s win late this evening.

“This is the first result of the General Election that has come to Government House this evening. By the authority of section 57, 2 (a) of the National Parliament Electoral Provisions Act Cap 37 of our laws and on the advise of the Returning Officer, I Sir Frank Ofagioro Kabui Governor General wish to inform you the public that the winning candidate for Maringe Kokota Electoral Constituency is Dr Culwick Togamana, who polled a total of 1,594 votes.”

Mr Togamana replaces outgoing Maringe Kokota MP, Varian Longa Mei.

Meanwhile, the Governor General has also announced that outgoing MP Linol Alex has also regained his South East Vella La Vella seat in Parliament.

Sir Kabui also announced, the outgoing MP for North Vella La Vella Constituency, Milner Tozaka has also retained his seat in parliament.

However, ‘unofficially’, a new comer, Mr. John Dean Kuku has won the North New Georgia seat in Parliament.

Mr. Kuku unseats one of the country’s longest serving MP, Sir. Job Duddley Tausinga.

More ‘unofficial’ results will be relayed as they come in.

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