A man selling fish at Honiara’s central market. Photo credit: Wikimedia.

A man selling fish at Honiara’s central market. Photo credit: Wikimedia.

A market vendor in North Guadalcanal Miss Georgina Misu is concerned over the increasing cost of reef fish at Honiara Central Market.

North Guadalcanal stringer Daddley Gani reports Miss Misu as saying this happens as certain individuals in Honiara buy the fish in bulk and resale them at higher prices.

“They’ve the fish for 14 dollars per pound and then resell them to market vendors and the Honiara public for 18 dollars per pound. Mrs Misu said this is daylight robbery because the middle man sellers makes a four dollars profit per pound at no cost or expense at all, only the reef fish buyers are victimised.”

Miss Misu calls on the responsible authorities to quickly address the issue as this has affected the Honiara public.

“Mrs Misu called on responsible authorities such as the Honiara City Council, the Honiara Central Market Manager to stop such actions because the desire of very few people who sold fish to make profit has affected those in Honiara and rural Guadalcanal who may want to buy reef fish.”

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