An aerial view of the Itina river in Mbabanakira. Photo credit: Panoramio.

An aerial view of the Itina river in Mbabanakira. Photo credit: Panoramio.

People of Mbabanakira in West Guadalcanal are calling on responsible disaster authorities to quickly send an assessment team to their area.

A church worker in the area, Pastor Silas Nickson told SIBC News people in Mbabanakira are now facing food shortages as their food gardens have all been destroyed by floods from the recent bad weather.

He said currently people are trying to survive by living on what is left of their flooded gardens.

“People are stranded with food and even no food at this very time, people are suffering and even they just go around and looking for what’s left over from their flooded gardens, and if you’re a human being you cannot survive by what’s left over from the gardens. So that’s why I am very concerned also a victim. As I’ve witnessed in Honiara last week, they also have victims but at least the government should try to consider and try to get some people to conduct assessments at this end to confirm this because people might have doubts over what’s reported. An assessment team could identify what happens here.”

Meanwhile, a four member team visit by SIBC to the flood affected areas in North Guadalcanal yesterday have seen little or no assistance at all in some areas and flood victims spoken to have also expressed similar concerns like Mr Nickson.

SIBC News understands the government, through the National Disaster Management Office is handling the disaster relief efforts through a multi-sector approach.

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