One of the damaged bridges in West Guadalcanal. Photo credit.

One of the damaged bridges in West Guadalcanal. Photo credit.

Following the April flash flooding, the Ministry of Infrastructure Development undertook to put in place three contract packages to carry out emergency repair works to affected roads and bridges on West Guadalcanal.

All awards have been made following expedited procurement procedures approved by the Solomon Island Government’s Central Tender Board, and Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, DFAT.

Harry Rini, Director, TSDP, CPIU in the Ministry of Infrastructure Development says, three Contractors have been awarded contract packages.

He says the Tanavasa Bridge to Mbonege Culvert has been awarded to Bisivotu Enterprises.

Mr Rini adds, from CBSI Culvert to Sasa Low Level Bridge and from Selwyn Wet Crossing to Lambi have been contracted to Trades Transformation Ltd.

Meanwhile, people of Sahalu Ward on North West Guadalcanal, have questioned the integrity of the tender process awarded to ‘Traders Transformation Limited’.

Spokes persons Jeffrey Rapasia, Visale Catholic Church Chairman and North West Guadalcanal Peace Committee member, Ben Misu maintained, residents are not happy with the award and fear ‘Traders Transformation Ltd’ might not be welcomed in the area.

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