Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Jimi Saelea. Photo credit: SIBC.

                                         Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Jimi Saelea. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock handed over farming tools and seeds to the National Disaster Management Office towards the recovery efforts on the Makira Earthquake disaster.

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Jimi Saelea handed over the tools to the Director of NDMO Loti Yates.

Speaking at the handing over ceremony, PS Saelea says providing agriculture tools to families who badly need them enable them to produce their own food and help them gradually recover to normalcy.

He adds his ministry is happy to contribute to the efforts to addressing the effects of the Makira Earthquake disaster.

“The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock is pleased to contribute to the efforts of addressing the effects of the disaster, as we all know. Very often we provide human resources in carrying out the assessments especially our extension teams are out there in the provinces, responding to our call for assistance whenever we want them to go and conduct assessments during disasters.”

PS Saelea also says he is pleased to hand over the tools to NDMO which will assist families who are affected by the earthquake.

“On behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and the Livelihoods Committee, I am pleased to hand over these tools. At least some of these will help the affected families who suffered from the effects of the recent earthquake in Makira, parts of Malaita and Guadalcanal.”

The tools cost around $150,000.00 while the seeds cost around $14,000.00.

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