Roads in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Photo credit: SIBC.

Roads in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Photo credit: SIBC.

A former senior plant operator who served under the Roads and Bridges Division of the Ministry of Transport, Works and Utility since the 1980s wants the Ministry of Infrastructure Development to pay more attention to feeder roads outside of Honiara.

The experienced road worker says the feeder roads are used more frequently by taxpayers.

He says road conditions have worsened since the days of the Ministry of Transport, Works and Utilities in the 80s.

The person adds the Government is not doing justice to the very people it is squeezing tax from.

Meanwhile, he calls on the National Government and the Honiara City Council to clearly demarcate which feeder roads come under the SIG and which belongs to the City Council.

He says feeder road drains and culverts accumulate rubbish which blocked the drainage.

The former senior plant operator says from the days of the Roads and Bridges division from Ministry of Transport, Works, and Utility, the roads were well looked after even with fewer contractors.

He says there about nine known road contractors who look after roads including feeder roads in Honiara but their conditions are still better left for horses to gallop.

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