Minister Hon. Connelly Sandakabatu. Photo credit: National Parliament of Solomon Islands.

Minister Hon. Connelly Sandakabatu. Photo credit: National Parliament of Solomon Islands.

Minister for Development Planning and Aid Coordination, Connelly Sandakabatu is in Nairobi, Kenya – where he has been attending the ninety-ninth Session of the ACP Council of Ministers, and the thirty-ninth session of ACP-EU Joint Council of Ministers Meeting.

A statement released by the Ministry says the current partnership between the EU and ACP Group of States will come to an end in 2020, and it is important for Solomon Islands to engage with the ACP Group to look at the future perspective of the ACP Group beyond 2020.

The statement adds it is important for Solomon Islands to remain engaged with the EU through the current ACP-EU Cotonou Partnership agreement in order to benefit from the National Indicative Programme, the Regional Indicative Programme and the Intra-ACP facility.

Minister Sandakabatu is accompanied by Permanent Secretary for Development Planning and Aid Coordination – Jeremiah Manele; Solomon Islands Charge de’ Affaires to the EU based in Brussels – Cornelius Walegerea; and NAO Support Unit at the Development Planning and Aid Coordination Ministry – Harry Kereseka.

The delegation will return early next week.

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