More Pacific consciousness needed : Suckling


Australian Ambassador for Environment, Patrick Suckling. Photo: DFAT

Australian Ambassador for Environment, Mr Patrick Suckling has called for more Pacific consciousness in the global fight against climate change.

In an exclusive interview with SIBC yesterday, Mr Suckling said  Pacific issues should be at the forefront of the this year’s COP23 meeting in Fiji.

He said Solomon islands and other Pacific states should work collaboratively in highlighting the challenges they face to the global community, and profiling it to gain more momentum for action during COP23.

“Climate change is so relevant in the Pacific and with Fiji hosting this year’s COP23 is a good opportunity for Solomon Islands and the Pacific to take a lead in the discussions, ” he said.

“If we could use Fiji’s presence in the COP to push Pacific issues forward, that will be a very good use of our time.”

He said from his tours around the region, the main highlights were the challenges that climate change may bring on food security and coastal erosion.

Mr Suckling also said he was pleased with the progress of the Tina Hydro project in the country as this will push the country closer to it’s climate change adaptation targets.

“Every Pacific Islands countries has a renewable energy target, and the Solomon Islands has a strong renewable energy target, which is the biggest in the region,” he said.

” I have been touring the Pacific getting more on the ground understanding of climate change, and how Australia can build partnerships in assisting Pacific states combat climate change related issues.”

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