RWASH staff and enumerators having a go with collecting data using smart phones. Photo credit: MHMS.

RWASH staff and enumerators having a go with collecting data using smart phones. Photo credit: MHMS.

The National-based survey on Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (RWASH) is progressing well.

The survey is to collect data on Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene practices as to how people access water in rural communities.

It uses a software called Akvo installed on smart phones, specifically designed to work in diverse locations that are often remote or lacks reliable infrastructure.

Speaking to SIBC News, Water Aid Program Manager Fred Saeni said officers are currently undertaking the survey throughout the provinces.

“We used the smartphone to conduct the survey, so for the progress of the survey 18 teams are currently out in the provinces, interviewing people on questions relating to water, sanitation and hygiene.”

The survey was jointly funded by Water Aid, a non-government organisation, UNICEF and the Ministry of Health and Medical Services.

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